
Doctors thinking less of their overweight patients

Seriously? I just read an article in the July issue of Prevention magazine and the article focused on doctors who think their overweight patients are 'weak-willed, sloppy, and lazy.' I find this hard to believe. I honestly feel, after reading the way the article was written, that it was more about women being sensitive about their weight and having a hard time accepting the doctors honesty/bluntness. The article also interchanges the word 'overweight' and 'obese' which are 2 different terms. (Overweight just means being over the standard weight for your height which can even be an athlete or body builder. Obese is about body fat percentage which is the more health concerned term.) They use the term obese when they reference a study where 620 primary care doctors characterized obese patients as 'awkward, unattractive, ugly, and non-compliant'. Let me say this...doctors are human and can think whatever they want. Just because they may think this doesn't mean they want to or will treat you differently. Most doctors have seen just about everything so do you really think they hold that strong of a judgement? The 'non-compliant' part shouldn't be an insult but can be a concern. I cant imagine the frustration trying to help someone who just doesn't want to help themselves.

Another part in the article talked a 350lb woman having her female exam and the doctor explained he couldn't feel her ovaries accurately because of her weight. He then had her sign a wavier that if she did have cancer, that the clinic wouldn't be held responsible. I'm not sure I understand the issue here? The doctor simply stated a fact. When are people going to be responsible for themselves? A doctor is looking at the health aspect when they address issues even if they may have some personal thoughts as well. As professional as they can be and even as numb/desensitized to things since they see so much everyday, they are still human. Why is it that society tends to forget that people of "high status" be it a politician, a doctor, a celebrity, etc are still just as human as the rest of us? Regardless, her weight is an issue for many reasons and it's something that needs to be addressed whether he could feel her ovaries or not.

If I'm an alcoholic, and the doctor tells me that my liver is suffering from all the alcohol I'm ingesting, am I supposed to get offended? Am I supposed to think, "How dare you tell me what's wrong with me?" Isn't that why we go to the doctor?! I understand bedside manner and some doctors just don't have the same manner as we'd hope for but we always have the option to switch.