Getting Started

Hey, hey! So, if you haven't read my 'About Me' page, you might want to. Pretty self-explanatory and it is long but it will help you understand a little more about me (duh) and where I'm coming from. It always helps if someone is relatable so check it out! And hey, you even get to see what I look like. Whoo-hoo.

I follow a lot of Paleo/Gluten-free/Primal bloggers and many of them have a kind of 'rules' page and I thought well, I need one too. It's all pretty much common sense and internet etiquette but sometimes you get the a-hole who wants to bash or be a party-pooper and just make people defensive and angry. I probably have all of 5 followers at this very moment but I'm dreaming big so, gotta make things clear.

1. Don't be rude.  I know - generic.  But seriously, we are adults and know whats rude and whats not.  No one likes a hater or a troller.

2. Don't be combative.  I don't mind debate but I'm not here to do so via comments on my page.  If you have a legit question or concern by all means, ask but don't tell me I am wrong or any other fan of my page is wrong.  If you don't have something nice to say, keep amovin'. 

3. Keep an open mind.  Ok - that's more of a suggestion than a rule but for real... If you are accustom to the Standard American Diet and lifestyle some of this "new" information might seem too extreme, too difficult, or just plain hippie. I get it. Change is hard and not everyone agrees on what's the healthiest. I am not dogmatic about much but I think Paleo/Primal is the best back-to-basics information available for living a long, healthy, happy, high-quality life.

See?? Not so bad. Only three.